Having fun whilst training

Learning how to hunt for truffles should be fun for both you and your dog. The training will set you up to search your truffière when you want, and will increase your truffle production through regular walks through your orchard.

LIMITED TIME OFFER: This course is open! Book at the introductory price available until 30 April.

Course Programme

This course takes you, and your dog, on a training journey to:

  • train your dog to locate truffle scent and ultimately indicate on the truffle

  • build a trusted truffle hunting relationship with your dog

  • understand the affects of weather when searching your truffière

  • Learn how to read your dogs body language whilst they are hunting

Looking forward to you joining us in the Truffle Dog Training Course for Growers.

Teaching your dog a new behaviour is tough, and I have been there. I found that if I broke the behaviour into smaller bites I was able to achieve the behaviour goal I had set. Through this course you can take control of finding your own truffles by training your own dog to complete the search. It is not going to be easy. It needs your commitment to train your dog regularly, and through our course, which is set to release new lessons on a weekly basis, the lessons and practical homework will be supported through weekly group meetings, and individual reviewing of the videos you send in. I promise that I will be there to support you throughout the course, and together we can work towards the best outcome for you and your dog.


Karen Drummond

Senior Instructor

Karen has been involved in dog training for over 26 years including teaching pet dog training at the local dog training club. When talking with a friend, who had a young truffière, about getting a dog, Karen chose to start training her own dog for a growing need within the truffle growing industry. Karen has been involved in training her dog to search for truffles since 2011, and search for truffles on growers properties since 2013. Karen was involved in Truffle Hunting Tours for Ohiwa Black Diamond Truffle in 2021, demonstrating to their clients how the dogs search for, and locate, two different types of truffles in preparation for the clients to learn how to remove the truffles from the ground. Karen started with Ollie, a Sydney Silkie x Maltese terrier, and has increased to four dogs - one Cocker Spaniel - Indy, and three Springer Spaniels: Tigga, Willow and Zorro. Karen completes Continuing Professional Development on an annual basis on a variety of dog related topics, including scent work techniques.

Indigo Indi

Lead Trainer

Indi has been hunting for truffles since 2015. She lives for hunting and is looking forward to showing off her skills and working with you all through this course.

Zorro Springer

Assistant Trainer

Zorro is from Timaru, South Island of NZ, and joined our group 3 years ago.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • My dog doesn't like food or toy rewards

    This questions is covered during the course of how to find the best reward for your dog. This reward must be what the dog wants, and could be food, toy, or something else.

  • Does it matter about the breed of dog?

    Any breed, or age, of dog can complete scent searches. However, some breeds will be more challenging than others. Training the older dog will also be more challenging than training a younger dog.

  • I've never trained a dog before

    The course is released on a weekly basis to give students the opportunity to apply the information delivered during the lesson and return video clips (Optional) for review.

Are you ready to get started?

100% Satisfaction Guarantee for 30 days

Join Truffle Dog Services and get reassurance that if the course doesn't work for you, you have 30 days to request your money back with no questions asked. Although all our students have enjoyed the course so far we want to ensure you get your value for money and find our product helpful.